About Us

I hope to share with ya'll the miracles, hardships, and escapades of life with my 5 boys and my husband. Each of the boys, Alec, Jordan, Nick, Xander and Aidan will be introduced to ya'll through my writings. My wish is to describe each member of the family through my writings so that you have a feel for who we are as a whole and as individuals.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Are They White as Snow?

Something spectacular happened Sunday evening, snow fell in Georgia.  A lot of snow fell, well a lot for us anyway.  Between Sunday night and Monday about six inches.  These six inches have basically shut down life as we know it here. With a house full of boys, snow means fun fun fun!  Sledding, snowball fights, snowmen, snow angels.  So much fun to be had for all the boys. 

This time, though, the snow means something different for me.  Looking out the window Sunday evening at the world covered in a beautiful blanket of clean white snow, I was reminded of the song "Washed in the Blood".  The lyrics "are your garments spotless are they white as snow" fill my heart with such joy each time I hear them. 

I realized in that perfect moment of stillness that I have been too wrapped up in all of the everyday things to allow myself to hear what the Lord is trying to tell me.  I took that moment to praise Him for blanketing this part of the world in cleansing snow that reminds me of how wonderful He is and how forgiving.  It was as if he not only covered the ground outside, but my heart and soul as well.    He was giving us all a fresh start.

Memories filled me and brought my heart to bursting.  Thoughts of  Nick opening his heart to the Lord and accepting Him as his saviour in the pastor's office that wonderful morning; thoughts of Xander asking for forgiveness in children's church and accepting the Lord into his heart; thoughts of my sweet Aidan who simply listened to me read Matthew 8:23-27 and then asked the Lord to be his saviour too.  I also thought of myself and how I felt when I accepted the Lord as my saviour.

I realized in that perfect moment that God as seen me worthy of such marvelous blessings.  I begged His forgiveness for not giving Him myself as He gave for me.  I thanked Him for the blessings that He has bestowed upon me even though I have taken Him for granted.  My faith was rekindled in that one perfect moment late on Sunday evening.

I hope that you will take a moment or two to really enjoy the snow as I have.

Much Love ~ Shell

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Board Games and Books

In the aftermath of Christmas, I am beginning to doubt the gift choices of Santa this year.  The boys are all happy with their gifts, well more specifically their video games and electronic gifts.  Spending hours upon hours playing one video game after another.  What about the other gifts?  The gifts of a non-electronic variety. 

The nerf guns are long forgotten.  Sitting all alone in the corners of the boys rooms, while the electronic gadgets and gizmos are being played with non-stop.  So I put a ban on video games for a day to see what would happen.  Of course, I forgot to also ban the TV so that is where all their time was spent.  So I tried again and this time I remembered to ban the TV. 

Amazing things happened.  Books were opened and read.  They all ventured outside.  Sidewalk chalk was well used in making beautiful artwork on the walk and driveway.  Bikes were taken out and "worked" on.  Footballs and baseballs were passed.  Hide and seek was played. 

I remembered my youth and how much fun it was to simply play outside.  How my siblings and I would play outside from dawn until dusk with our friends.  I want my kids to know that there is more to life than texting and playing video games.

Next year for Christmas, I think that we are going to ask Santa to give things that don't require that they be plugged into a wall outlet.  Books, balls, board games, frisbees. Its time to bring back things that nuture their minds; bring the family closer together. 

Much love ~ Shell  

Friday, December 31, 2010


Here I sit reflecting on the past year and how my boys have grown.  Tears spring to my eyes as I remember each of them and the paths they made for themselves through 2010.  All five of them have changed for the better in so many ways.  Each one is exploring who he is and is trying to differentiate himself as an individual instead of one part of the "Hardy Boys" collective.  They are all growing spiritually and learning to trust in the Lord to bring them through their struggles and teach them something in the process.  The physical changes that each of them have gone through this year are breathtaking: turning into such handsome boys and men.

Alec is halfway through his senior year already.  He is starting to make grown-up decisions that are going to impact the rest of his life.  Jordan is beginning to look towards the future and is making plans to help get him where he wants to go.  Nick is already a freshman, but it seems like yesterday he was wearing footie pajamas and sitting in my lap.  Xander looks so grown up at the end of this year.  He is struggling to find his true identity and how he is the same and different from the rest of the boys.  Aidan just wants so much to be grown like his brothers.  He still has the innocence of youth around him like magic.  Each of them different, yet the same in my eyes.

This past year had a few struggles, but brought with it way more blessings.  The new year is a grand and wonderful adventure waiting to happen.  With this crew it is best to grab on tight with both hands and refuse to let go until the ride is completly stopped.

Much Love and a Happy New Year ~ Shell

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Getting Physical

As a woman, living in a man's world (at least at my house), I am perplexed by certain rituals that they seem to have.  Watching the boys, my husband Robert, and even my brother play video games, I have observed strange behaviors.  It is almost as though they are the action hero in their own movie.  Playing the games requires more than just simply pressing buttons on a controller.  It requires movement, action on the part of the player.  Teeth are clenched, eyes squinted, tongues sticking out of mouths.  Moving legs, feet, arms, and bodies.  Long before the Wii, boys (it would seem) were already getting their exercise playing video games. 

For instance, my husband and brother were playing boxing on the Wii.  I would have assumed that this would only require the use of arms and hands.  Boy, was I ever wrong about that!  They were shuffling feet, bobbing and weaving, using their entire bodies.  I expected at any moment that someone might actually get hurt.  Playing Mario Cart requires that the player lean the entire body when making turns or going through curves.  Playing basketball requires jumping and "dribbling" the ball.  I am amazed by all the action that takes place while they attempt to play these games. 

As a girl , I guess that I will never truly understand what is going on while they are playing these games.  I sit on the couch, calmly, with controller in hand playing a game.  Being ladylike and not breaking a sweat.  The boys, however, are sweating and panting and in desperate need of showers.
Much Love ~ Shell

Monday, December 27, 2010

A Yardstick and A Thermometer

I would like to step back in time, momentarily, to just a few short weeks ago.  As Christmas was fast approaching, letters to Santa were being drafted and the Toys 'R Us catalog was being carefully inspected to see what wonders it contained.  Hours and hours of time were spent by Aidan going over and over the catalog, knowing that his choices were critical in his letter to Santa. 

His letter would include polite conversational questions such as "How are your elves doing?”  He made sure that his most desired items had stars on either side of them, just to make sure that Santa understood the importance of this request.  Included in his list of most wanted items are a yardstick and a thermometer.  Interesting requests to say the least.  As a "grown-up" and a girl, I am not certain that I understand why these particular items made the list, while others such as Bakugan or video games were left off.

So, I venture to ask Aidan why these particular things, what makes them so important.  So I ask Aidan, "Why do you want a yardstick?"  He says with all seriousness, "My fingers are a little short.  So sometimes when I point to things that are really high up, people don't know what I am pointing at.  So I am going to whip the yardstick out of my pocket and point at the things that are really high up."  I am actually really surprised at his ingenuity, although I can hardly believe that a yardstick would fit in his pocket.  So I ask Aidan, "Why do you want a thermometer for Christmas?"  He turns to look at me, rolls his eyes, and says in a most serious tone, "Ya know temperature!"  I was a little shocked, not by his words but mostly because his demeanor truly was a reflection of how I would look and sound in a similar situation. 

So, Santa made sure that Aidan's Christmas dreams came true and found him a "most awesome" carpenter’s yardstick so that he can carry it around with him.  Unfortunately, a practical yet stylish thermometer was not located by Santa.  It appears that thermometers were a very "hot" item this Christmas. 

Much love ~ Shell

My First Blog

I am totally new to blogging, but wanted to give it a try.  I have been looking for a way to spread the love, as I muddle my way through the raising of my 5 boys.  My boys are all their own individual selves and putting all 7 of us together proves to be interesting most of the time.  There are hardships, wonderous events, and hilarious moments everyday.    As time goes on, you will be introduced to my boys, one by one, through their various antics and escapades.  Much love ~ Shell