About Us

I hope to share with ya'll the miracles, hardships, and escapades of life with my 5 boys and my husband. Each of the boys, Alec, Jordan, Nick, Xander and Aidan will be introduced to ya'll through my writings. My wish is to describe each member of the family through my writings so that you have a feel for who we are as a whole and as individuals.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Getting Physical

As a woman, living in a man's world (at least at my house), I am perplexed by certain rituals that they seem to have.  Watching the boys, my husband Robert, and even my brother play video games, I have observed strange behaviors.  It is almost as though they are the action hero in their own movie.  Playing the games requires more than just simply pressing buttons on a controller.  It requires movement, action on the part of the player.  Teeth are clenched, eyes squinted, tongues sticking out of mouths.  Moving legs, feet, arms, and bodies.  Long before the Wii, boys (it would seem) were already getting their exercise playing video games. 

For instance, my husband and brother were playing boxing on the Wii.  I would have assumed that this would only require the use of arms and hands.  Boy, was I ever wrong about that!  They were shuffling feet, bobbing and weaving, using their entire bodies.  I expected at any moment that someone might actually get hurt.  Playing Mario Cart requires that the player lean the entire body when making turns or going through curves.  Playing basketball requires jumping and "dribbling" the ball.  I am amazed by all the action that takes place while they attempt to play these games. 

As a girl , I guess that I will never truly understand what is going on while they are playing these games.  I sit on the couch, calmly, with controller in hand playing a game.  Being ladylike and not breaking a sweat.  The boys, however, are sweating and panting and in desperate need of showers.
Much Love ~ Shell

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