About Us

I hope to share with ya'll the miracles, hardships, and escapades of life with my 5 boys and my husband. Each of the boys, Alec, Jordan, Nick, Xander and Aidan will be introduced to ya'll through my writings. My wish is to describe each member of the family through my writings so that you have a feel for who we are as a whole and as individuals.

Monday, December 27, 2010

A Yardstick and A Thermometer

I would like to step back in time, momentarily, to just a few short weeks ago.  As Christmas was fast approaching, letters to Santa were being drafted and the Toys 'R Us catalog was being carefully inspected to see what wonders it contained.  Hours and hours of time were spent by Aidan going over and over the catalog, knowing that his choices were critical in his letter to Santa. 

His letter would include polite conversational questions such as "How are your elves doing?”  He made sure that his most desired items had stars on either side of them, just to make sure that Santa understood the importance of this request.  Included in his list of most wanted items are a yardstick and a thermometer.  Interesting requests to say the least.  As a "grown-up" and a girl, I am not certain that I understand why these particular items made the list, while others such as Bakugan or video games were left off.

So, I venture to ask Aidan why these particular things, what makes them so important.  So I ask Aidan, "Why do you want a yardstick?"  He says with all seriousness, "My fingers are a little short.  So sometimes when I point to things that are really high up, people don't know what I am pointing at.  So I am going to whip the yardstick out of my pocket and point at the things that are really high up."  I am actually really surprised at his ingenuity, although I can hardly believe that a yardstick would fit in his pocket.  So I ask Aidan, "Why do you want a thermometer for Christmas?"  He turns to look at me, rolls his eyes, and says in a most serious tone, "Ya know temperature!"  I was a little shocked, not by his words but mostly because his demeanor truly was a reflection of how I would look and sound in a similar situation. 

So, Santa made sure that Aidan's Christmas dreams came true and found him a "most awesome" carpenter’s yardstick so that he can carry it around with him.  Unfortunately, a practical yet stylish thermometer was not located by Santa.  It appears that thermometers were a very "hot" item this Christmas. 

Much love ~ Shell

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