Here I sit reflecting on the past year and how my boys have grown. Tears spring to my eyes as I remember each of them and the paths they made for themselves through 2010. All five of them have changed for the better in so many ways. Each one is exploring who he is and is trying to differentiate himself as an individual instead of one part of the "Hardy Boys" collective. They are all growing spiritually and learning to trust in the Lord to bring them through their struggles and teach them something in the process. The physical changes that each of them have gone through this year are breathtaking: turning into such handsome boys and men.
Alec is halfway through his senior year already. He is starting to make grown-up decisions that are going to impact the rest of his life. Jordan is beginning to look towards the future and is making plans to help get him where he wants to go. Nick is already a freshman, but it seems like yesterday he was wearing footie pajamas and sitting in my lap. Xander looks so grown up at the end of this year. He is struggling to find his true identity and how he is the same and different from the rest of the boys. Aidan just wants so much to be grown like his brothers. He still has the innocence of youth around him like magic. Each of them different, yet the same in my eyes.
This past year had a few struggles, but brought with it way more blessings. The new year is a grand and wonderful adventure waiting to happen. With this crew it is best to grab on tight with both hands and refuse to let go until the ride is completly stopped.
Much Love and a Happy New Year ~ Shell
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